
Behavioural, Educational & Life Skills Library by Little Wooden Toybox

Training Bites by Little Wooden Toybox

Meet Tash

Training Bites by Little Wooden Toybox Tash Kritter

Meet Tash Kritter

Hi I’m Tash 👋

I’m the Director of Little Wooden Toybox, a qualified teacher, and I design all our educational resources and training. I’m a single mum of two teens with Autism, ADHD and PDA and present in the podcast ‘The Crap and The Crazy

My background and life experience has given me a unique insight into:

  • Creating fun and engaging educational and life skill resources
  • Understanding behaviours that challenge and why they occur
  • Understanding how emotional regulation and sensory input impacts both us as parents and our little ones (diagnosed or not)
  • Developing, implementing and managing resources & coping strategies to make home life calmer & more organised

All of these concepts and resources can be applied in the classroom or at home; equipping parents, teachers, therapists and early childhood educators with tools and strategies to confidently keep kids engaged and learning through play.

In 2022 I started the Podcast ‘The Crap and the Crazy‘ to help parents on a similar journey to me… but I realise that parents who are going through that early no-sleep-lots-of-screaming stage are not really going to have the actual time, alone time or quiet time to listen to the podcast, let alone remember the tips and strategies to implement.

So I started Training Bites – a one stop shop for ‘bite sized’ information in notes and infographic format, with definitions, links to the podcast for more information and supporting resources from Little Wooden Toybox. A place where you can search by topic, by behaviours or by concepts that you may not be sure what they mean (like fine motor skills, proprioception or emotional regulation).

My goal with The Crap and the Crazy podcast, Little Wooden Toybox and Training Bites is to empower parents and educators to

  • gain a deeper understanding of children’s needs, including their strengths and weaknesses
  • break the cycle of past trauma including breaking away from how we ourselves may have been taught/parented and instead facilitating attachment style parenting
  • understand behaviours that challenge and more importantly that all behaviours are a form of communication
  • understand that the big behaviours that we see are the tip of the iceberg – we want to learn to look a little deeper to see why these behaviours are happening
  • understand how you yourself stay emotionally regulated in order to model and help your kids stay well regulated
  • give you tools, tips and strategies to make home life calmer and more enjoyable – for both you and your kids

    Training Bites Library:

    Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

    Understanding Big Behaviours

    Understanding Big Behaviours

    Understanding Big Behaviours I strongly believe that all behaviours are a form of communication... it just sometimes takes us a while to figure out...
    Why do big behaviours happen>

    Why do Big Behaviours Happen?

    Why do Big Behaviours happen? Big behaviours happen when kids are emotionally overwhelmed or experiencing sensory overwhelm. Understanding...
    Proprioception and Movement Breaks

    Proprioception & Movement Breaks

    Proprioception or Movement Breaks Proprioception refers to movement and the awareness of our body in the space around us Proprioception helps us to...
    Why are Routines Important?

    Why are Routines Important?

    Why are Routines Important? Routines and picture strips reduce anxiety by taking away the pressure and stress of remembering what to do and in what...
    What are Routines?

    What are Routines?

    What are Routines? Routines are simply things that we do in the same sequence to complete daily tasks. These can either be at a set time like waking...
    Sensory Tools to get going

    Sensory Tools to Get Going

    Sensory & Emotional Regulation - Sensory Tools to Get Going Things that may help you to get going or to ‘wake up’ like getting your coffee first...
    Sensory Tools and strategies to keep calm

    Sensory Tools to Keep Calm

    Sensory & Emotional Regulation - Strategies to Keep Calm Things that may help you to stay calm and well regulated throughout the day. You will...
    How to Teach Emotions

    How to Teach Emotions

    How to Teach Emotions Understanding and recognising emotions is key to getting emotions under control and responding to how we feel in a socially...
    What is Sensory Regulation

    What is Sensory Regulation?

    What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...
    What is Sensory Processing?

    What is Sensory Processing?

    What is Sensory Processing? Sensory processing refers to how we process and filter sensory input & stimuli from our surrounding environment. 1...