Sensory Tools to Get Going

Sensory Tools to Get Going

Sensory & Emotional Regulation – Sensory Tools to Get Going

Things that may help you to get going or to ‘wake up’ like getting your coffee first thing in the morning and sitting for 5 mins before facing the day.

If you or your kids find it extra hard to get going

  • after waking up
  • after lunch
  • and/or at ‘arsenic hour’ (that gap between after school activities and bedtime)

then try some of these…

Sensory Tools & Strategies to Get Going:

  • crunchy foods
  • coffee
  • cold foods
  • chewy foods
  • cold drinks
  • cool shower
  • walk in the rain
  • play in the snow
  • sweet foods
  • exercise/stretching
  • bright lights
  • upbeat music
  • play
  • technology
  • hugs
  • playing with a pet
  • hanging out with friends

Things to consider:

  • There’s no right, wrong or one size fits all when it comes to our sensory profiles.
  • Which activities resonate with you?
  • Which activities do you do/use daily to ‘wake up’ without even perceiving them as ‘sensory tools’?
  • Which activities clash between you and your kids?
  • What do you need to add more of into your day to keep you better regulated?

Learn more about sensory tools and profiles and how they help keep us calm and well regulated

Strategies to get going

Find this printable in Little Wooden Toybox’s Sensory & Emotional Regulation Pack

Autism Parenting Podcast:

Join Tash as she talks about day-to-day life with Autism; the sucky bits and the wins, plus tips for enjoying life despite the challenges.

Sensory and Emotional Regulation Pack

47 pages | Digital Download | $19AU

✅ stay calm & well regulated
✅ get organised
✅ gain independence
✅ make home life calmer and happier 💖

Training Bites Library:

Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

What is Sensory Regulation

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...

Sensory Tools to Keep Calm

Sensory Tools to Keep Calm

Sensory & Emotional Regulation – Strategies to Keep Calm

Things that may help you to stay calm and well regulated throughout the day.

You will find that there are many comfort things that you do during the day that help to keep you calm and happy. You may not have even thought of these as being ‘sensory tools’.

“Either we spend time meeting children’s emotional needs by filling their cup with love or we spend time dealing with the behaviors caused from the unmet needs. Either way we spend the time.” – Pam Leo

Things to consider:

Have a look at the list below

  • Which sensory tools and activities resonate with you?
  • Which activities do you do/use daily to self regulate without even perceiving them as ‘sensory tools’?
  • Which activities do your kids need to stay well regulated?
  • Which activities clash between you and your kids? You’ll sometimes find that things that calm them down, like a repetitive toy, is exactly the thing that tips you over the edge!
  • What do you need to add more of into your day to keep you better regulated?
  • What can you add more of into your kids’ day to keep them better regulated?
  • There’s no right, wrong or one size fits all when it comes to our sensory profiles

Sensory Tools & Strategies to Keep Calm:

  • weighted blankets, vests, toys
  • nature walk
  • weeding
  • hugging a pet
  • warm drinks
  • soft brown ‘comfort’ foods
  • swinging or spinning
  • hiding in a dark place
  • hot showers
  • colouring & painting
  • spinning toys
  • weighted exercise
  • soft lighting
  • favourite movie
  • calm music
  • technology

Learn more about sensory tools and profiles and how they help keep us calm and well regulated

Sensory Tools to Calm Down

Find this printable in Little Wooden Toybox’s Sensory & Emotional Regulation Pack

Autism Parenting Podcast:

Join Tash as she talks about day-to-day life with Autism; the sucky bits and the wins, plus tips for enjoying life despite the challenges.

Sensory and Emotional Regulation Pack

47 pages | Digital Download | $19AU

✅ stay calm & well regulated
✅ get organised
✅ gain independence
✅ make home life calmer and happier 💖

Training Bites Library:

Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

What is Sensory Regulation

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...

How to Teach Emotions

How to Teach Emotions

How to Teach Emotions

Understanding and recognising emotions is key to getting emotions under control and responding to how we feel in a socially acceptable manner.

If we can’t recognise how we are feeling, then we don’t know how to fix it or avoid it next time.

If we can’t recognise what triggers (sensory stimuli) cause certain feelings, then we won’t know how to fix it or avoid it next time.

If we can’t recognise how someone else is feeling, particularly someone who is vulnerable and/or feeling out of control, then we won’t be able to effectively use tools & strategies to help them calm down and feel safe.

This is why it is so important to teach our young kids about emotions

Teaching our little ones about emotions

  • empowers them to communicate how they are feeling (in time) and
  • enables them to better recognise how others around them are feeling (build empathy).

Kids needs to be taught to recognise and understand that

  • how we are feeling impacts our behaviours
  • certain behaviours are appropriate for some settings but not others
  • our behaviour affects how others around us feel

We can start by teaching kids to

  • recognise emotions from different printed facial expressions
  • recognise emotions of characters in their favourite TV shows and books
  • recognise emotions of faces of people around them
  • explicitly discussing how things make you and them feel
  • explicitly discussing how you choose to behave despite how you feel

Our Understanding & Recognising Emotions pack will help get you started:

Things we can do to stay regulated

Find this printable in Little Wooden Toybox’s Understanding & Recognising Emotions Pack

Autism Parenting Podcast:

Join Tash as she talks about day-to-day life with Autism; the sucky bits and the wins, plus tips for enjoying life despite the challenges.

Understanding & Recognising Emotions Pack

59 pages | Digital Download | $19AU

✅ stay calm & well regulated
✅ get organised
✅ gain independence
✅ make home life calmer and happier 💖

Training Bites Library:

Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

What is Sensory Regulation

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation?

Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day.

This includes what we

  • see
  • smell
  • touch
  • taste
  • hear

as well as

  • proprioception – movement and awareness of our body in the space around us
  • interoception – what is going on inside our body
  • vestibular – our sense of balance, positioning, coordination and spatial awareness

Our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences directly impacts our emotions and therefore our behaviour.

This can look like:

  • screaming when lights are too bright or with unexpected flashing (sight)
  • refusing to eat at mealtimes because of the smell of the food or loving the smell of markers (smell)
  • scratching and pulling at clothes in reaction to itchy seams and tags or tight elastic (touch)
  • craving crunchy foods or soft brown foods (taste)
  • getting irritated when listening to someone chew or breathe or cringing and covering ears with loud noises (sound)
  • constantly moving, jumping, crashing, wiggling and not staying still (proprioception)
  • not knowing the difference between hungry, being sick or an anxious stomach or not getting to the toilet in time and wetting (interoception)
  • tripping, poor coordination, bumping into things (vestibular)

How do you feel when someone scratches their nails on a chalkboard?

Food for thought… this might be exactly what someone who struggles to process sensory input feels like when their shoes are on, or when the lights are too bright, or when clothes are too tight…

‘Simple’ things can result in meltdowns, especially in people with Autism as they have trouble self regulating and may need help to do this.

What seems like an overreaction to you, might be a completely valid responsse to what they are experiencing.

We can’t presume that everyone experiences the world the same way that we do, and understanding this helps us to

  • build empathy – understand what someone else might be experiencing
  • view behaviours differently
  • helps us to work towards helping them to regulate

Things we can do to stay regulated

Sensory Tools to help with Sensory Regulation:

  • sunnies to block out the sun (sight)
  • block out tent or cubby house to hide (sight)
  • limit strong smelling foods at mealtimes (smell)
  • cut off tags, socks inside out and buy clothes a couple of sizes bigger (touch)
  • chew toys to give oral feedback (taste)
  • headphones to cancel out noise (sound)
  • wobble chairs & movement breaks (proprioception)
  • weighted blankets to give deep pressure (proprioception)

Autism Parenting Podcast:

Join Tash as she talks about day-to-day life with Autism; the sucky bits and the wins, plus tips for enjoying life despite the challenges.

Emotional Regulation & Sensory Profiles Bundle

Printables | PDF Training | Video Training | Digital Download | $238 now $79AU

✅ stay calm & well regulated
✅ get organised
✅ gain independence
✅ make home life calmer and happier 💖

Training Bites Library:

Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

What is Sensory Regulation

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...

What is Sensory Processing?

What is Sensory Processing?

What is Sensory Processing?

Sensory processing refers to how we process and filter sensory input & stimuli from our surrounding environment.

1 in 20 people have sensory processing disorder (SPD) – this means that in some or many ways, this lack of ability to filter out certain stimuli, affects and impacts their daily life in a negative way. SPD is typically seen in kids with Autism.

This can look like:

  • getting incredibly irritated or distracted by tags, stitching in clothes, certain fabrics (feels like burning), bug bites, flashing lights, sunlight, certain smells, listening to someone chew or breath
  • aversions to personal hygiene routines like showering (air or water on bare skin), washing hair, brushing hair, brushing teeth, haircuts
  • not being able to focus on one voice in a room (inability to block out background noise) – this may look like not listening/not paying attention
  • feeling overwhelmed in crowds

This can result in:

Outbursts, meltdowns or shutdowns where…

  • so much energy going towards trying to process sensory information around you
  • as a result you get exhausted quickly
  • being tired reduces your ability to manage overwhelming situations well
  • you become more and more short tempered as you reach your tipping point
  • add in extra sensory input like someone trying to get you to join in, try harder or telling you off for bad behaviour… 
  • how do you feel? 
  • how do you react?

Different Sensory Stimuli that can be either overwhelming or what we seek to feel calm:

Things we can do to stay regulated

Find this printable in Little Wooden Toybox’s Sensory & Emotional Regulations Pack

Autism Parenting Podcast:

Join Tash as she talks about day-to-day life with Autism; the sucky bits and the wins, plus tips for enjoying life despite the challenges.

Sensory and Emotional Regulation Pack

47 pages | Digital Download | $19AU

✅ stay calm & well regulated
✅ get organised
✅ gain independence
✅ make home life calmer and happier 💖

Training Bites Library:

Advocating for kids who see, process and experience the world differently with ‘bite size’ pieces of information to help teach and understand a variety of behaviour, education and life skills topics.

What is Sensory Regulation

What is Sensory Regulation?

What is Sensory Regulation? Sensory regulation is our ability to manage and respond to sensory experiences throughout the day. This includes what we...